Two months of the year done already. Goes faster as I get older, that’s for sure. Rolled with SP, M and JC.
Felt good today. Energized by watching Demian Maia clips and realizing I continually set myself up in a bad part of a scramble by starting my rolling sitting on my butt. Agreed that the on the knees world doesn’t exist, but from now on I’m going to start on my knees and if I’m pulling guard, I’ll fully pull it with handles and everything, rather than starting in an open guard where I have nothing and am already behind in the game.
SP’s game continues to get better and his physicality impresses as well. We drilled single leg takedowns, which I look at as extensions of the half guard game, so with this mentality it was much easier for me to focus. Pure takedowns don’t particularly interest me at this point as I have little desire to compete and the injury potential is much higher with them then ground grappling. But in my mind if I can pull half guard and then do the technique, it immediately becomes more interesting.
Was able to stand up in half guard and reestablish that position as well. The wrestling shoes make me want to avoid a lock down as it's much hard to get out of.
Felt my passing was better today but still not where it needs to be. Used a lot of standing up posture that Rener showed on youtube. Really focusing on jamming my shin into their hip to negate their hips and set up the slice through pass. Kept picturing them being able to kick me in the face which made it easier to get the correct posture.
Found some new angels on getting the back. Other subs didn’t feel as available but remembering that half guard is also half way to his back from a different angle.
Focusing also on moving when it’s important then resting when it’s available. Resting in mount, closed guard, top of half guard and other positions where that’s doable. Conditioning feels decent as long as I focus on my breathing and again work on relaxed movement. Thinking about smiling always seems to help the movements feel light.
Things done well
1) Open guard posture. Can also set up the flop guard pass. Time to start bringing back and integrating weapons from before
2) Rear naked choke. Got one with my left arm. Patience in timing when to grab the shoulder and initiate the attack.
3) Top half guard to back. Feeling their window of strongest movement and slipping around while baiting them into it.
4) Seeing the move a moment before it happens. Need to still get better at actually predicting this along with other backup scenarios but today was decent.
Things to work on
1) If I start slice passing to their right and they get a hook on my right leg, I should slice through the other side with my left leg.
a. Really a note for all my guard passing, need to see the other side and maybe over top possibilities rather than forcing through on one side.
2) Sidemount attacks. Not using enough shoulder pressure on their chin. Need to rotate around to north/south and get their arms crossed and them onto their knees more.
3) Leglocks. Still lacking real goto setups. Half guard kneebars from top and bottom can help with the pass and the sweep. Need to start getting in more reps with them. 100/week at least.
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